Sunday, Aug. 18, 2019
If you grew up Jewish, it’s probably always been there at your front door. If you’re a non-Jewish Rose Schnitzer Manor resident, you may have wondered about the diverse little gems of art marking most of our apartment entryways.
The mezuzah is one of the more prominent examples of Jewish material culture. The word mezuzah means doorpost, but it has come to mean the parchment scroll placed on the doorpost that is inscribed with verses from Deuteronomy that start with, “Hear O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is One”.It goes on to command us “Thou shalt love the LORD thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might.” “Thou shalt write them upon the door-posts of thy house, and upon thy gates.” These are the watchwords of our faith.
Some people believe that the mezuzah provides special protection over the residents of the home where it hangs, and when they pass by a mezuzah some people have the custom of kissing it (usually touching the mezuzah with their hand, then kissing their hand).
Who better to answer all your questions about these lovely pieces of art than our own multi-talented Eddy Shuldman. Our beloved volunteer and arts activist, Eddy will discuss the “Art of the Mezuzah: loving, kissing, binding and teaching”. We’re certain you’ll come away a little more enlightened about a captivating subject.
Join us:
Goodman Living Room, Harold Schnitzer Center for Living
Cedar Sinai Park