Sept 14, 2023

Aug 31, 2023

Aug 24, 2023

What to Consider in an Elder Community

A tranquil garden scene featuring a small wooden gazebo surrounded by lush green trees and shrubs. A paved pathway, designed with elder care considerations, curves gently past the gazebo, with a bench and some buildings visible in the background. The area is well-maintained and peaceful.

By Sydney Clevenger

First impressions count, and that’s an adage especially true when searching for an elder living community.

To truly recognize a community as home, there are several elements one should experience when first walking through the door of an elder living facility, said Cedar Sinai Park Community Program Director Jennifer Felberg.

The first perception, said Felberg, should be the environment.

“Many of our visitors to Rose Schnitzer Manor immediately comment on the lightness and brightness and homey-ness of our active assisted living community,

Aug 17, 2023

Aug 10, 2023

Pets Bring Joy at Rose Schnitzer Manor Assisted Living

By Sydney Clevenger, with research from Rose Schnitzer Manor Active Assisted Living Resident Arlene Layton

When resident Elaine was looking for active assisted living, she was adamant that her poodle-mix, Nettie, was coming with her.

“I got Nettie when she was 10, and I’ve had her five years, so she’s 50,” said Elaine, of her apricot-colored fluffy friend.

Nettie often attends singing with the Mazel Tones,

Aug 3, 2023

July 27, 2023

July 20, 2023