Pets Bring Joy at Rose Schnitzer Manor Assisted Living

By Sydney Clevenger, with research from Rose Schnitzer Manor Active Assisted Living Resident Arlene Layton

When resident Elaine was looking for active assisted living, she was adamant that her poodle-mix, Nettie, was coming with her.

“I got Nettie when she was 10, and I’ve had her five years, so she’s 50,” said Elaine, of her apricot-colored fluffy friend.

Nettie often attends singing with the Mazel Tones,

The Importance of Socialization for Seniors

An elderly woman with short gray hair and a serene expression looks off into the distance. She is outside near a tree-lined path with lush green foliage. She wears a blue jacket and a red top beneath. The background is slightly blurred, highlighting her face, emphasizing the importance of socialization for seniors.

by Sydney Clevenger

Even for elders blessed with a large family providing regular support, peer to peer socialization is a critical aspect of senior health that many people overlook.

“Seniors living alone often struggle with depression,” said Deborah Elliott, longtime marketing consultant in the senior living industry. “We see this often when a spouse dies, and the isolation brought about by Covid did not help our aging parents feel connected if they were living at home alone.”

Senior living communities provide an opportunity for regular social interaction,